Thursday, September 20, 2012
Detailing the Government-Wall Street-Drugs Empire
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers
Pennsylvania law gags doctors - Goal: to protect oil company profits
Ending the Silence - Civil Disobedience In The Farm Crisis
A documentary based on the farm crisis of the mid to late 1980's in Iowa.
Forgiving Siemens: Unraveling a Tangled Tale of German Corruption in Greece
Cartoon by Khalil Bendib |
The truth is that this simple act reveals the enormous power that one single company holds over the country of Greece: Siemens from Munich, Germany, a manufacturing behemoth with $96 billion in 2010-2011 sales.
On November 11, 2010, Siemens turned off 35 traffic lights in central Athens in protest against Greek government fines as high as €500 million ($650 million) to settle allegations of bribery to win contracts. In April 2012, the Greek government agreed to settle with Siemens for €270 million to settle the charges. In return the state issued the company a €41 million contract to work on an extension to the Athens metro and fix the city's traffic lights.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Grapes of Wrath / Mario Savio's Freedom Speech Movement Speech
Visionaries Peek Beyond Capitalism
The Incompatible Public is Occupied
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Occult Aspects of Banking
On the Monday, July 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Mike Adams talks with former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs. Jim and Mike talk about the United Nations' gun-grabber internationalist treaty and other topics of pertinence. Jim's latest book is The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America.
From: Analysis of the Occult Symbols Found on the Bank of America Murals
Prominently displayed in the lobby of the Bank of America’s Corporate Center are “creepy” frescoes, filled with occult symbols. Even more unsettling is the fact that those images seem to predict events of a radical world change in the not-so-distant future. Are those murals predicting the coming of an occult New World Order? We will look at the occult meaning of the symbols found on the Bank of America frescoes.
A reader of Infowars sent me pictures of some very odd murals displayed at the Bank of America Corporate Center in Charlotte, NC. Needless to say they immediately caught my attention, as I was flabbergasted by their symbolism and their message. I also couldn’t help relating them to the ominous murals of the Denver International Airport.
Painted by Benjamin Long, the paintings are said to revolve around the themes of “making/building, chaos/creativity, and planning/knowledge in a “daring blend of abstract and realism, set off with touches of gold“.
Although we normally read from left to right, there are clues within the frescoes hinting the viewers to read the paintings from right to left. The “planning” stage (visually represented by the fresco on the right) is normally the first step of any process so it would make sense to start from there. There is also alchemical symbolism hinting towards the chronology of the frescoes, so we will begin with the one on the right:
The fresco on the right is dubbed Planning/Knowledge. An esoteric read of its symbolism reveals exactly what is being planned and what knowledge it is referring to.
We see here a young blond boy standing on a standard Masonic checker-board pattern floor. His feet are placed at a 90 degrees angle, in accordance to Masonic initiation ritual:
“Q. On your return to the Lodge, where were you placed, as the youngest Entered Apprentice?
A. In the northeast corner, my feet forming a right angle, my body erect, at the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east, an upright man and Mason, and it was given me strictly in charge ever to walk and act as such.”
- Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor
From: Canadian Banks: Can You Spot Their Occult Symbols?
Yes, there is a lion, symbolizing Royalty (and/or bankers) controlling the World, but there are two hidden symbols. Can you see them?
Notice the stylized "FFF". "F" is the sixth letter of the alphabet, so therefore it reads "666", or satan's number.
From: The Occult Origins of the Bank of England
The Occult Origins of the Bank of England by The Magician Much of the history of the last several hundred years can be interpreted as the competition for power between the British Monarchy, or "Perfidious Albion," and its allies, on one hand; and the Vatican and its allies, on the other. Of course, like any overriding theory, this one should not be pushed to an extreme, and it doesn’t explain everything. But it explains a great deal.
Much of the history of the last several hundred years can be interpreted as the competition for power between the British Monarchy, or "Perfidious Albion," and its allies, on one hand; and the Vatican and its allies, on the other.
Of course, like any overriding theory, this one should not be pushed to an extreme, and it doesn’t explain everything. But it explains a great deal.
A key role in the course events initally took was played by John Dee, the Neoplatonic Christian Cabalist and Scientific Advisor to Queen Elisabeth. He introduced the idea that the inhabitants of Britain were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. It was all part of the British propaganda barrage directed against the Vatican and the European Counter Reformation in the Sixteenth Century.
Henry VIII Wants an Heir
Let’s start with Henry VIII. The king of England had not been able to conceive a male heir with his wife Catherine. So he wanted a divorce, which he doubted the Pope would allow. Henry VIII sent his secret agent Richard Croke to Venice in 1529 to consult with the Christian Cabalist theologian Georgi, as well as Jewish Rabbis, on the right way to biblically justify divorce and remarriage to the Pope. There was a conflict between Leviticus and Deuteronomy whether a man could marry his brother's widow, the grounds on which Henry VIII was questioning the legality of his own marriage to Catherine.
This represented the beginnings of an alliance between the British Monarchy and various Jewish groups. The divorce arguments, however, went nowhere. No compromise was ever reached with the Pope. (The British historian, Dame Francis Yates, tells the story in her book, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age.) So Henry VIII finally solved his dilemma by wresting the Church of England out from under the Pope, and proclaimed himself Head of the Church. Henry was now supreme leader, both politically and spiritually, and did what he wanted with respect to divorce and remarriage. (As for the heir, we now know that the underlying infertility was Henry VIII’s own. But from such trivialities do the major events of world history proceed.)
The Vatican was staggered. And it was furious. Not only had the head of a leading nation defied the Pope’s authority in spiritual matters, but this same king had set himself up as a rival Pope, so to speak. King Henry VIII was an Anti‑Pope. Or that’s how the Vatican saw it. The Vatican and the Monarchy were now at war. The war of spiritual ideas and spiritual concepts quickly became part and parcel of the geopolitical war with the chief Catholic power, Spain.
The Occult World of Maritime Admiral Banking Commerce
From: Elenin and Bankers
The Federal Reserve and Occult Influence
This is an interview with Mark Passio recorded on 4-22-11 during the "End The Fed" rally in Philadelphia. When we say "end the fed" we mean the Federal Reserve. The name is kind of a joke because they are a private cartel and they have no reserves. They just create money when they decide to. The problem is they have a monopoly on this power and no one else is allowed to create money. Not even the United States government. What a sham. Imagine a private organization able to control the whole money system that we have to exist under. That's what the federal reserve is. Then were stuck working day in and day out for some money (federal reserve notes) just to live.
The politicians of the US don't work for the people. They work for the bankers. So while you think you have a choice in the elections, they have already been bought and paid for. The agenda has already been written. The politicians are just a front for the bankers.
So who are these bankers? Do they just consider themselves bankers or is there more to this story?
Mark Passio breaks down who the central bankers really are and the techniques they use to control people. He explains why it is important to understand occult symbolism and how it affects our brains in ways most people don't recognize.
Remember it's not just about ending the federal reserve it's about taking our power back to control our own lives. We don't need all powerful institutions to make our decisions for us.
From: The Occult Technology of Power
Throughout history, secure ruling elites arise through secret, or occult knowledge which they carefully guard and withhold from outsiders The power of such elites or cults diminishes as their occult knowledge is transformed into "scientific" knowledge and vanishes as soon as it becomes "common sense." Before analyzing the secrets of the finance capitalist money cult let us glance for historical perspective at occult astronomy, the oldest source of stable rule known to man of which astrology is hut the pathetic remnant.
As soon as men abandoned the life of wandering, tribal hunters to till the soil they needed to predict the seasons. Such knowledge was required in order to know when to plant, when to expect floods in fertile valleys, when to expect rainy seasons, and so on. Months of backbreaking work were wasted by the unavailability of the calendar, a convenience we take for granted. The men who first studied and grasped the regularities of sun, moon, and stars that presage the seasons had a valuable commodity to sell and they milked it to the fullest at the expense of their credulous fellowmen. The occult priesthoods of early astronomers and mathematicians such as the designers of Stonehenge, convinced their subjects that they alone had contact with the gods, and thus, they alone could assure the return of planting seasons and weather favorable to bountiful harvests. The staging (predicting) of solar and lunar eclipses was particularly effective in awing the community. The general success resulting from following the priesthood's tilling, planting, nurturing, and harvesting timetables insured the priesthood's power. Today's Christmas holiday season continues the tradition set by ancient priesthoods, who conducted rituals on the winter solstice to reverse the retreat of the sun from the sky. Their invariable success was followed by wild celebrations. Popular knowledge of seasonal regularities was discouraged by every manner of mysticism and outlandish ritual imaginable. Failures in prediction were blamed on sins of the people and used to justify intensified oppression. For centuries people who had literally no idea of the number of days between seasons and couldn't count anyway, cheerfully gave up a portion of their harvests, as well as their most beautiful daughters, to their "faithful servants" in the priesthoods.
The power of our finance capitalist money cult rests on a similar secret knowledge, primarily in the field of economics. Our power is weakened by real advances in economic science (Fortunately, the public at large and most revolutionaries remain totally ignorant of economics). However, we established money lords have been able to prolong and even reverse our decline by systematically corrupting economic science with fallacious and spurious doctrines. Through our power in the universities, publishing, and mass media we have been able to reward the sincere, professorial cranks whose spurious doctrines happen to rationalize in terms of "common good" the government supported institutions, laws, and economic measures upon which our money powers depend. Keynesianism is the highest form of phony economics yet developed to our benefit. The highly centralized, mixed economy resulting from the policies advocated by Lord Keynes for promoting "prosperity" has all the characteristics required to make our rule invulnerable to our twin nemeses: real private competition in the economic arena and real democratic process in the political arena. Laissez-faire or free market, classical economics was our original attempt to corrupt economic science. Its beautiful internal consistency blinded economists for many years to the fact that it had virtually nothing to do with current reality. However, we are so powerful today that it is no longer possible to conceal our imposing institutions with the appearances of free competition Keynesianism rationalizes this omnipotent state which we require, while retaining the privileges of private property on which our power ultimately rests. Although the interim reforms advocated by Marx in his Communist Manifesto such as central banking, income tax, and other centralizing measures can be corrupted to coincide exactly with our requirements, we no longer allow Marxist movements major power in developed countries. Our coercive institutions are already in place. Any real steps toward communism would mean our downfall. Of course, phony Marxism is an excellent ideological veil in which to cloak our puppet dictators in underdeveloped areas.
Secondarily, the power of the lords of money rests on an occult knowledge in the area of politics and history. We have quite successfully corrupted these sciences. Although many people are familiar with our secrets through such books as 1984 by the disillusioned George Orwell, few take them seriously and usually dismiss such ideas as paranoia. Since real politics is motivated by individual self-interest, history is viewed most accurately as a struggle for power and wealth We do our best to obscure this self-evident truth by popularizing the theory that history is made by the impersonal struggles between ideas, political systems, ideologies, races, and classes. Through systematic infiltration of all major intellectual, political, and ideological organizations, using the lure of financial support and instant publicity, we have been able to set the limits of public debate within the ideological requirements of our money power.
Bush Family Nazi Occult Connections
For those who do not know elements within the Anglo American establishment were intrumental in funding the third reich. Bankers have often funded both sides of conflicts in order to extend their duration of the conflict and debt incurred by waring factions. Why would patriotic Americans and Brit's aid the enemy? Why would they order allie fighters not to bomb GM, Ford and GE factories in germany making panzer tanks etc for the Nazis? Well because they are not patriotic, their enemy is you and they belong to similar secret societies with common beliefs/goals.
The "Library" (or "Liberty" according to GWB and D-Wars, see link) Tower, or the U.S. Bank Tower has 73 (777) floors, has a floor area of 1.3 million sq ft (13), and to the roof it is 310.3 metres high (13), it was built by CBM Engineers (C=3 B=2 M =13 so 32 13), it is the 31st tallest building (13) in the world as of March 2008, it cost (according to this article) $130 million (13). The U.S. Bank logo signs on the "crown" are 23 metres tall. Might as well check out the "777 tower" for some blatant Crowley naming that is also in the Los Angeles area. It is used often in many films, including most recently Hancock (Will Smith) where it features prominently apparently (have not seen it). In Independence Day (Will Smith) it serves as the place for alien greeters to party, before hilariously being blown to pieces by our future fake invaders (Crowley [777 earlier] ties in here with his "Lam" entity, which has become vaguely the popular image of an "alien"). "In the 2007 movie Southland Tales, the US Bank Tower stands as headquarters for US-IDENT, a Big Brother surveillance agency under the guise of a national security think-tank. The tower is later seen on fire after raided by rioters." To me, all this just symbolizes the bankers' (mostly Freemasons and other groups) self-perceived control over humanity's past and future (the building's "crown" also shows this). In Dragon Wars (budget $33 million), the serpent's path helpfully went through the banking (and generally establishment) areas which are all full of pyramid capped buildings and other buildings apparently built with occult architecture in mind.
Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF
I don't know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It's not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn't look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest's status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.
The riches were not for all, though, the city center was full of beggars and panhandlers, mostly Roma. To keep up the paradox, Mercedes sold more luxury models in Hungary than just about anywhere else back then, reportedly mostly also to Roma; just not the same.
In the years since, precious little attention has been and is being devoted to the former eastern bloc countries in the Anglo press. We know most of the countries are now members of the European Union, but only a few have been allowed to enter the hallowed grounds of the eurozone.
One thing I did pick up on last year was the news that Hungary's PM Victor Orbán had thrown chemical, food and seed giant Monsanto out of the country, going as far as to plow under 1000 acres of land. Now, I have little patience for Monsanto, infamous for many products ranging from Agent Orange to Round-Up, nor for its ilk, from DuPont to Sygenta, all former chemical companies that have at some point decided they could sell more chemicals than ever before by applying them on and inside everyone's daily food. Patenting nature itself seems either unworthy of mankind or its grandest achievement. I don't care much for either one. So Orbán (who has a two-thirds majority in parliament, by the way) has my tentative support on this one.
This is from July 22, 2011, International Business Times:
Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields
In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto's GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.
$10 Trillion Withdrawn From U.S. Treasury This Fiscal Year Alone, Treasury Says
In fact, as of the close of business Wednesday, withdrawals from the Treasury equaled $10,201,615,000,000 for fiscal 2012, which began on Oct. 1, 2011 and will end on Sept. 30.
According to the Daily Treasury Statement--the official daily accounting sheet for the federal government—withdrawals from the Treasury exceeded $10 trillion this year on Aug. 30, when they rose from $9.903 trillion to $10.035 trillion.
Why 35,000 high-income Americans pay no federal income taxes
Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf
Kermit Roosevelt, the Mossadegh coup-master [Iran, 1953] admitted in his memoirs that SAVAK was 100% created by the CIA and Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency that acts as appendage of the CIA.
No corporations profited more than US defense contractors [from the 1953 Iran coup]. From 1950-63 the Middle East received 3% of US military aid to the world. From 1971-75 it received 60.2%. [21] The bulk of it went to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia were the "Twin Pillars" in President Nixon's 1972 Guam Doctrine. Nixon and his cronies saw these two nations as critical to ensuring a steady cheap supply of crude oil to the US. Saudi reserves are estimated at 261 billion barrels, while Iran sits atop nearly 100 billion barrels.
... Revenues received by both the Shah and his House of Saud counterparts were recycled back into US money-center banks JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan and Citibank. These banks own huge blocks of stock in the Four Horsemen [Big Four oil companies - Royal Dutch Shell, ChevronTexico, ExxonMobil, British Petroleum] and in the defense contractors which now jostled for position in both Tehran and Riyadh. Chase Manhattan owned Iran's Central Bank - Bank Markazi. The international bankers were the main beneficiaries of this new oil for arms quid pro quo. In Iran the Shah was given carte blanche on US arms purchases. Iran came to account for 25% of US military sales.
The State Department once called the Middle East, "a stupendous source of strategic power and one of the greatest material prizes in world history, the richest prize in the world in the field of foreign investment."
Oil revenues financed the Shah's military procurement program. He agreed to recycle surplus petrodollars into US banks, mainly Chase Manhattan, which his good friend David Rockefeller chaired. Iran's Central Bank, the Bank Markazi, acted as wholly-owned subsidiary of Chase Manhattan. Oil revenue also went to banks like BCCI where it funded CIA covert operations
The Shah served as cop on the beat for the US in the Persian Gulf, while Israel filled that role in the Mediterranean. President Truman called Israel, "a stationary aircraft carrier to protect US interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East".
U.S. President Harry Truman
Israel is a stationary aircraft carrier to protect US interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
On September 8th, 1978, 3,000 protesters were massacred when Iranian troops under orders from General Azhari opened fire in the streets of Tehran in a macabre scene that became known as Black Friday. Two days later US President Jimmy Carter called the Shah to reaffirm his support.
Within a few years of the Iranian Revolution, the CIA was helping Ayatollah Khomeini identify nationalist leaders so he could target leftists who had formed the Committee of 60, which led the Iranian revolution. In 1983 the CIA and British MI6 supplied a long list of Tudeh Party members to Khomeini. The Ayatollah unleashed a reign of terror against the left; assassinating, torturing and imprisoning over 10,000 Tudeh members and supporters. In 1989 many of those imprisoned were sentenced to death.
SAVAK used heroin money to finance counter-revolution in Iran. The CIA allowed wealthy Iranians to smuggle their heroin into the US using diplomatic pouches. Iranian revolutionaries cracked down on the heroin trade, which had thrived under the Shah.
Zbigniew Bzrezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission (TC) in 1973 with David Rockefeller... The stated purpose of TC was to form a triad of global influence consisting of North America, Western Europe and Japan.
The TC published The Crisis of Democracy in 1975. One of its authors, Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington, is a prominent writer for the CFR publication Foreign Affairs. Huntington, intellectual darling of the global elite, argued that America needed "a greater degree of moderation in democracy".
The TC paper suggested that leaders with "expertise, seniority, experience and "special talents" were needed to "override the claims of democracy". More recently Huntington has been pushing his "Clash of Civilizations" thesis, which argues that war between the West and Islamic nations is inevitable.
Friday, September 7, 2012
John Trudell - Mining our Minds For The Machine
In 1979, his mother-in-law, pregnant wife (Tina Manning), and three children were killed in a fire at their home in Nevada.
It occurred within 12 hours of his burning a flag on the steps of the FBI building in Washington DC. He viewed it as an act of war meant to silence him and his outspoken wife.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tunisia to Reject Odious Debt
Leonce Ndikumana: Tunisia to audit foreign debt and reject loans embezzled by former dictator।
See also:
Seisachtheia - European Movement against Odious Debt
Alexis Anagnstakis, Barrister, Legal representative of Seisachtheia - European Movement against Odious Debt.
Police on police protest in Athens
The Real Hunger Games - Big Commodity Traders Control World Grain Market
Spain's Robin Hood Mayor and Landless Peasants Battle Bankers
INTERPOL: Judge Orders Extradition And Arrest Of Former U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford
Federal Judge Marcelo Martinez de Giorgi will ask Interpol to issue an international arrest warrant seeking Mulford’s extradition for questioning over the bond exchange carried out by the government in an unsuccessful bid to avoid default.
Mulford, who currently serves as vice chairman international of Credit Suisse Investment Bank, was seen as one of the debt swap’s architects when he served as a senior official at Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB).
Born Rich
Superfriends Superfrauds - The Injustice League [comedy] Starring The Deregulator
What is Escrow eating anyway?
Is the Greenspan Fed above the law?
What's that in the De-regulator's pocket?
Where can i get one of those Golden Parachutes?
“52 Shades of Greed,” or “How 28 illustrators got off the island.”
#GlobalNOISE: London 2012
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Occupy - The Yuki Rush
video: Marie-Eve Levasseur ( & Andreas Giesecke (
‘Mr. Satan Goes to Wall Street’ – An Occupy Musical
In one of OWS’ most creative tactics, the guerrilla street-theater musical comedy “Mr. Satan Goes to Wall Street” debuted in Tampa, Florida at the RNC.
“Mr. Satan Goes to Wall Street” is an incredibly ambitious project, involving a full cast, musicians, and a documentary film crew tracking the production from NYC to Tampa through Charlotte and back to NYC.
In Mr. Satan, Satan is laid off from Hell because humanity has become too adept at doing evil. To get his job back, Satan makes a deal with neoliberal economist Larry Summers to break up Occupy Wall Street. But the love between two young OWS activists might shake the Devil’s allegiance. What would Satan do? Our answer: He’d sing!
There’s nothing else like this project: it’s comic entertainment with serious political content, and the whole thing is a saavy activist tactic. What better way to revive a movement for social justice than musical theater!...
"Mr. Satan" is a hardworking anti-hero antichrist who has been laid off due to hellacious budget cuts. He finds himself obsolete in a world where humans have become self-sufficient at doing evil. "After all, Steve Jobs, who earned millions off of slave labor, has been made a saint". To win his job back, he must restore the balance of good and evil in the world, sorting out the many motives of the Democrats, Republicans, Union Organizers, Occupiers, Anarchists, and Lovers. Who will Satan side with in order to get his job as Chief Evil Officer of Hell back?
Performing in NYC, and at the National Conventions coming up! Visit for details.
Secret royal veto powers over new laws to be exposed
The information commissioner has ruled that the Cabinet Office must publish an internal Whitehall guide to the way the senior royals are consulted before legislation is introduced to ensure it does not harm their private interests.
The application of the controversial veto was revealed by the Guardian last year and has been described by constitutional lawyers as "a royal nuclear deterrent". Some believe it may underpin the influence Prince Charles appears to wield in Whitehall over pet issues ranging from architecture to healthcare.
A judgment issued last week by the deputy information commissioner, Graham Smith, means the Cabinet Office has until 25 September to release the confidential internal manual. It details how the consent of "The Crown and The Duchy of Cornwall" is obtained before bills are passed into law and what criteria ministers apply before asking the royals to amend draft laws. If it fails to do so it could face high court action.
In the past two parliamentary sessions Charles has been asked to consent to at least 12 draft bills on everything from wreck removals to co-operative societies. Between 2007 and 2009 he was consulted on bills relating to coroners, economic development and construction, marine and coastal access, housing and regeneration, energy and planning. In Charles's case, the little-known power stems from his role as the head of the £700m Duchy of Cornwall estate, which provides his £17m-a-year private income.
The government battled to keep the manual secret, claiming publication would breach legal professional privilege, and a spokeswoman for the Cabinet Office said it was still deciding whether to challenge the ruling at the information tribunal.
See also:
House of Welf - Chateau des Amerois II - Black Nobility
The Global Village - The Shock of Recognition
It really is the shock of recognition once you grok what’s going on in the world at the moment. You see, once upon a time there was a brilliant and clever man by the name of Marshall McLuhan. You may have heard of him. He wrote a particularly intellectually hip and as it turned out famous book called The Medium is The Massage which people often insist on calling The Medium is the Message. You of course now have the opportunity to avoid making this common mistake. Which will just go to show that you were paying attention when it mattered. McLuhan wrote The Medium back in the 1960s and it’s full of quotable quotes that you could sit around in a cafe fantasizing that you had said yourself . . .except you didn’t. Such is the shock of recognition.
McLuhan in fact said this: The shock of recognition! In an electronic information environment, minority groups can no longer be contained – ignored. Too many people know too much about each other. Our new environment compels committment and participation. We have become irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other.
See also:
About WikiLeaks
The hacker-journalist Rick Cook in the novel reveal the popularity of Wizardry Compiled "it is never the technical stuff That gets you in trouble. It is the personalities and the politics." ... Wikileaks is not simply a phenomenon that ignores the law to legalize the action of computer hacking activities for leaking secret documents to publish state deemed not responsible, but rather the question of 'convictions' of world politics today and the insights and perspectives of cyber activists.
Electronic Civil Disobedience and the World Wide Web of Hacktivism: A Mapping of Extraparliamentarian Direct Action Net Politics
In the next century when cyber-historians look back to the 1990s they will recognize 1995 as the year of the graphical browser, the year the Internet began to be overshadowed by the Web. But they will probably also view 1998 as an important moment — in the history of the browser wars. At a minimum, 1998 will be noted for the emergence of two terms that represent similar phenomena: electronic civil disobedience and hacktivism. In that year, a Net based affinity group called the Electronic Disturbance Theater pushed and agitated for new experimentation with electronic civil disobedience actions aimed mostly at the Mexican government. It engaged its FloodNet software and invited participation to an international set of artists, digerati, and political activists to make a “symbolic gesture” in support of Mexico’s Zapatistas. While at the same time, in Britain, in Australia, in India, in China, on almost every continent there were reports of hacktivity. In the spring of 1998 a young British hacker known as “JF” accessed about 300 web sites and placed anti-nuclear text and imagery. He entered, changed and added HTML code. At that point it was the biggest political hack of its kind. Since then, and increasingly over the course of the year, there were numerous reports of web sites being accessed and altered with political content.
How Consciousness Evolved and Why a Planetary “Ãœbermind” Is Inevitable
How Money is Made / Created: Ben Dyson Explains the Debt Crisis
Ben Dyson gives clear answers to 3 Key Questions: Who creates money? How much money do they create? What do they do with the money they create?
He shares some very interesting and profoundly important facts and shows how far the reality of banking is away from the text-book model of banking and which major implications the current system has on our lives.
How do banks create money out of nothing? How do they create money as debt? Has money been privatised?
We recommend it as an educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system.
Presented at the Positive Money Conference in London.
This is a 20 minute extract from a longer talk; you can watch the full 52 min version here:
Pirate Bay founder arrested in Cambodia after evading cops for eight months
Gottfrid Svartholm, The Pirate Bay founder better known online as Anakata, has been arrested in a riverfront apartment in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital.
He has been wanted internationally ever since January, when he failed to appear in Sweden to serve a 12-month prison sentence.
So far, neither Cambodian nor Swedish authorities have issued public statements about the charges Svartholm now faces; we’ll update this post as more information becomes available.
Svartholm has been in significant legal trouble since 2006, when Swedish police first raided The Pirate Bay, a torrent site, for copyright violations.
In January 2008, Svartholm and Pirate Bay cohorts Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde, and Carl Lundström were charged with promoting others’ infringement of copyright, a conviction of which could lead to up to to years in jail and huge restitution fines।
Bollywood and the Bomb
An Indian film about a suave James Bond-style secret agent who thwarts a Pakistani secret services' bid to detonate a nuclear bomb in Delhi has been banned by censors in Islamabad।
[ ... ]
Nevertheless Agent Vinod, which grossed $9.7m on its opening weekend in India, features a storyline in which the Pakistani ISI agency is seen colluding with the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group. In real life, Pakistani secret services have been criticised for apparently failing to spot that al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden was living in a compound in the garrison city of Abbottabad in the north of the country for several years. Lashkar-e-Taiba has been blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks which left 166 people dead in November 2008 and grounded peace talks between India and Pakistan for more than three years. The two countries have gone to war three times since independence from Britain in 1947 and came to the brink of nuclear conflict in 2002.
Censorship and Indian Cinema - The Case of War and Peace
The controversy around the denial of the censor certificate to Anand Patwardhan's film War and Peace (Jang aur Aman) — the filmmaker was asked to make 21 cuts — raises certain questions। Why is the State interested in censoring what we see? What is it that it thinks is dangerous for whom and why? Is it a stray case of Board members taking decisions callously, or is it part of a well-thought-out strategy by which the Censor Board typically functions? Is its existence stifling progressive cinema and freedom of expression? Are we losing more than what we are gaining on account of censorship?
On one side we find the State promoting reactionary films like Gadar (Turmoil), which deals with the India Pakistan Partition of 1947, or Border, a film about the Indo-Pak war that incites audiences enough to shout slogans of "Pakistan Murdabad" ("Down with Pakistan!"). The State passes Satya (The Truth), which shows indiscriminate killing of "gangsters" at the hands of police and even makes such films tax free, but it does not allow Patwardhan's films to be screened. The fact is that War and Peace is critical of India's nuclear bomb, which has been projected by the State as a major national achievement, while those other films endorse the State's point of view. It is a clear case of the Censor Board acting as an institution of the State to direct the public discourse and to safeguard its interests.
War and Peace by Anand Patwardhan
Filmed over three tumultuous years in India, Pakistan, Japan and the USA following nuclear tests in the Indian sub-continent War and Peace is a documentary journey of peace activism in the face of global militarism and war.
TV debate on 'War and Peace'
Political Assassination…Resolution by other Means
Saturday, September 1, 2012
American agents wounded in Mexico linked to CIA drug planes
From Daniel Hopsicker, MadCow Morning News
In a violent incident whose explanation daily grows more murky the two "U.S. embassy officials" wounded by Mexican Federal Police officers in an attack outside Cuernavaca were revealed to be CIA agents by major Mexican news organizations earlier this week.
What has remained undisclosed —until now —is ths: one of the agents is linked to the drug trafficking operation out of St Petersburg Florida in which two CIA-connected airplanes were seized—in separate incidents in 2006 and 2007—on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula carrying a total of ten tons of cocaine.
The wounded agents connection to earlier CIA operations was first discovered by Mexico City newspaper La Jornada, which noted that one of the agents, after being taken to a hospital for treatment of his wounds, listed his home address as a Post Office Box in Dunn Loring, Virginia.
In a major embarrassment for the CIA, that same address, incredibly, had earlier been used in a CIA operation that received maximum worldwide public exposure: the extraordinary rendition of Al Qaeda prisoners to secret prisons around the world, after the attacks of September 11, 2001, on a fleet of secretly-owned CIA airplanes.
The Mass Psychology of Capitalism
There can be little doubt that we are living in a declining phase of capitalist civilisation. Indeed the consensus before and during the second world war was that capitalism had reached its terminal point and was being superseded by a type of bureaucratic collectivist social order (it would be politic I think not to use the term 'socialism' in this connexion). This view was common to both opponents as well as partisans of capitalism (e.g. J.A. Schumpeter, James Burnham, F. Von Hayek).
It came as a surprise, therefore, that capitalism would have another - extremely successful - post-war run. But like all periods of long-run expansion the system ran into the buffers of over-accumulation, stagnation and inflation (circa 1975). This gave rise to the counter-revolutionary movement of the 80s and 90s, variously termed, neo-liberalism, globalisation, free-markets, privatisation, de-regulation. This movement was led by grubby little people from the suburbs and provinces - Thatcher, Reagan, Berlusconi and their ilk; petit-bourgeois arrivistes with little or no education or culture, and certainly without any sense of noblesse oblige. Archetypal counter-revolutionaries in fact, comparable in terms of their social background and education with the fascist leaders of the 1920s and 30s. This particular phase of the capitalist cycle (1980-2000) saw the emergence of the golden age of high finance; yuppies, stock market booms, conspicuous consumption, the IT/Media/Telecommunications bubble, new paradigms, new economy, a global Anglo-American consumer culture ... and so forth.
This stage of the cycle has now ended. Now is the period of collapse (or market correction as it is now called): a collapse of overvalued equity markets; a collapse of the confidence of investors in the integrity of those executives in the command posts of the economy; a collapse in manufacturing and banking profits due to bad loans, unwise investments and over-investment; a collapse in the belief that any systemic and fundamental change can be effected through orthodox politics.
The decline of civilisations (capitalist or otherwise) is ultimately, however, a question of culture and politics, rather than of economics। The cultural and moral decline of late capitalist civilisation needs to be demonstrated, not merely asserted. This is not difficult; the indicators of disintegration and social pathology are everywhere. Rates of clinical depression have increased considerably since 1950. In America a survey of over 18,000 adults found that a person born between 1945 and 1955 was between three and ten times more likely to suffer a major depression before the age of 34 than a person born between 1905 and 1914. Another American study involving 19,000 people found that 20% of the total US population suffer from a mental illness (as defined by the psychiatric bible The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) during any given 12 months and that 32% will suffer at some point during their lifetime.
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Alienation or anomie - take your pick. Does the sty make the pig or the pig make the sty? Too much freedom or not enough? Actually I don't think that the question is ultimately very important or indeed resolvable. What is important is the fact of moral and cultural decline and the corollary of social disintegration - a crisis which is very real.
There is a tendency to look to a golden age in the past and denigrate the present। I also acknowledge that there has been real progress in science and technology, as well as political and social progress, and that certain groups have emerged from centuries of oppression and marginalisation (women, ethnic groups and gays). Concurrently, however, there have also occurred massive regressions and systematic marginalisation of other groups (the old, the poor, the third-world); such is the dialectic of history. Definitively, however, the empirical evidence points unequivocally to a societal crisis at all levels: economic, social, moral, cultural, and environmental. This is exactly the type of crisis which presages fundamental historical change. But in the short to medium term things are bound to get very ugly indeed.